6 The multiple manifestations of the one deity

seen entirely from the spiritual point of view.

The 'godhead' is the divine nature, the divine essence; the deity is all that is divine and in the deity is everything a unity of opposites. In this unity of opposites, which distinct properties can nevertheless be distinguished in the unity of the divine being, and in which form or as what image do these properties occur?

"Let's make men
in our image and likeness ..."
man and woman God created them.
Genesis 1:26-27

God is the fire in me, I am in him the shine,
that is why we should be very common.
The drop becomes to sea, if it has come into the sea,
so man becomes God when he is included into God.
Angelus Silezius (doctor, mystic)
Wanderer between heaven and earth

The personal experience I assume in all my considerations is:
- the universal spirit as being the divine spirit has a self-image of itself in the form of a universal spirit spark, a spherical cloud of spiritual light and warmth, densified into itself: the human spirit;
- and has given that self-image of itself - the human being - the predisposition to develop into personal independence - with silent help from above.
- and multiplied that universal spirit spark to mankind.


6.1 The spiritual abilities
6.2 The mental states
6.3 The unformed original state
6.4 The formed states
6.5 The angels
6.6 The divine family and the cube
6.7 Humanity
6.8 Becoming aware
6.9 The building stuff of the material creation
6.10 The universal spirit sparks and quantum field theory

6.1 The spiritual abilities
All the divine is spirit
spirit as the powerful, conscious force of life,
which can be observed before the opened spirit's eye as:
the movement of spiritual light and warmth,
but with dissolved in it as its hidden core:
the rest of spiritual darkness and coolness.
By the movement the spirit can be in a self-forming, creating state,
by resting in a receptive, formable state.
This rest and movement are fundamental, spiritual properties,
they are the feminine and masculine side of the one spirit.
In the feminin spirit, femininity has the emphasis,
masculinity in the masculine spirit.

the activity of the abilities
within the feminine spirit
With that self-forming light and self-forming warmth
and hidden inside that formable dark and formable coolness,
(within the spirit as a spherical cloud of light and warmth)
hang the abilities of the spirit together
perceiving, thinking, feeling and wanting:
perception is a state of formable light within the mind,
in which images of perception are formed as light images,
and by observing the spirit comes
in the mental state of being aware;
thinking is self-forming light within the spirit,
whereby the spirit forms ideas as light images in itself,
feeling is formable warmth within the spirit, by which
feelings like compassion, sympathy can be formed,

the activity of the abilities
within the masculine spirit
and wanting is self-forming warmth in the form of willpower,
an increased state of power within the spirit.

By means of introspection the working spirit is in itself,
by the activity of these abilities, in the form of
observations, ideas, feelings and willpower
- but also by others in their behavior outside -
directly recognizable as a reality:
as that, which works as the working spirit.

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6.2 The mental states: unformed and formed
Not only is everything in the one deity spirit,
but it is also 'spirit in a certain spiritual state';
these are states of the powerful, conscious force of life,
states of that light and warmth, of that darkness and coolness.

The mental state of the deity occurs in two ways:
there is an unformed primeval state, the state of the universal spirit
within which no forms can yet be distinguished;
and there is a formed state in a new world within the universal spirit.
In that world, multiple forms are possible by densification;
these forms are created by densification of light from the universal spirit
and because of this densification they always stay within that spirit
- they are inextricably linked to it by a seamless transition -
and a part of these light forms has been brought to life,
by flowing through with warmth from the universal spirit.

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6.3 The unformed original state
The spiritual state of the origin of the all, the infinite universal spirit,
presents itself to the opened spirit's eye
as an infinite sea of spiritual light and warmth,
with hidden within it spiritual darkness and coolness,
which extends in the eternal infinity.

The universal spirit is God as the spiritual father mother of the all,
by the activity of the spiritual abilities
in the most exalted state: the unformed original state.
From this unformed primeval state, God is a father-mother, who by thinking
created all forms as light forms, within themselves as the universal spirit
and part of those forms are flown through with warmth by feeling
and so - within the universal spirit - brought to independent life.

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6.4 The formed states

the form in which the properties
of the spiritual abilities
are expressed: the human figure
The spiritual state of the center of the universal spirit,
the center of infinity - which is therefore everywhere -
is expressed in God's holy spirit,
the universal spirit in a formed state,
who is self-begotten and born out of One, the all-spirit,
- thereby 'monogenes' means: originated from one, the universal spirit - by self-begetting born of itself as the universal spirit.

God's holy spirit is God in the form of the son-daughter
whom the universal spirit as father-mother, by densification
let emerge - from and into itself - as the first borne one.

The center of the universal spirit is born
in the form of an 'all-spirit spark' by densifying itself,
by densifying of the self-image of the universal spirit.
Because of this densification, the universal spirit is in the holy spirit
and the holy spirit in the universal spirit.
They are the unformed and formed state of God in one
and are interconnected by their mutual interaction.

God as father and mother,
as two twin spirits
In this spiritual state the deity
appears in a certain form, the spirit form
and the form of the spirit form is a representation
of the state of development of the spiritual abilities.

The activities of these abilities express themselves
in the form of the spirit form, the divine light figure,
in which - in the spiritual world - the holy spirit and God's angels appear to man.
The state of development of the abilities in man
is expressed in the qualities of that form,
in the properties of the human figure ...
and that figure is an angelic form in predisposition.

God's holy spirit, God himself in the form of the son-daughter,
self-begotten and born by densification of itself as the father-mother,
they have been lovingly merged into a unified twin spirit,
the divine marriage, acting as one being, as one person.

"Love recreates the primal image, it seeks two beings
to merge into one unit,
she wants to cure the human nature ... "
Plato, Greek philosopher (427 - 347 B.C.)

The male spirit of this unity forms the outside,
the female spirit is the invisible core in the heart
but together they are fully present in their joint statements and actions.
Among other things, due to the clairvoyance observation
of only the male outside of the united twin spirit
the misconception arose that God would only be a father.

the father outside and
the mother inside
as one united twin spirit

This united twin spirit, as one, holy spirit,
n man Jesus has been personally with mankind,
has lived and suffered with mankind on earth and became
therefore God himself as a brother-sister of man
and thereby potentially making man a brother and sister of God.
By the male side of God's holy spirit
now the male human spirit on earth can know
to be a son of God in predisposition;
by the female side of God's holy spirit
now the female human spirit on earth can know
to be a daughter of God in predisposition.

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6.5 The angels
The spiritual state of God's knowledge, thoughts, feelings and will,
that are present in the infinite space of the universal spirit,
they are begotten and born by the working of God's spiritual abilities
- perceiving, thinking, feeling and wanting in the universal spirit -
and are each active as an independence in the universal spirit
and are expressed in God's angels.

God's knowledge, thoughts, feelings and will, they are visible
in their own spirit form, in which they lovingly guide
humanity on earth - from their spiritual world - on their path
of spiritual development ... in order to develop themselves as well.

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the divine family:
independency and
6.6 The divine family and the cube
The small cube (1) is the father (the ground planes are not drawn),
cube 2 is the mother, cube 3 the son and cube 4 the daughter ...
the first pair has multiplied itself and is expressed in the second pair:
the most balanced family.
Together they form a circle (1,2,3,4) with a cross (1-3, 2-4) in it,
they stand side by side and are uniform with each other -
they form a close unity. They are rooted in the same soil - the universal spirit -
with which they seamlessly are connected.
They are conformed to the whole, the four smaller ones in one large cube
(a fractal self-conformity), which are all connected in the center (the 9) ...
the unity of the one spirit has developed into the divine family (the 9).
This is the geometric representation of the divine family ... a pair of twin spirits:
father and mother, son (brother) and daughter (sister)!

wind rose
four abilities
four animals (Ezechiel)
Together with the 4 points at the base (5,6,7,8) there are 9 points.
According to Pythagoras the 9 in the middle represents: the divine whole.

These relationships in the divine family are formulated by Jesus during the Last Supper,
where the big cube represents the Father (the universal spirit), the small cube Jesus and man:
I (Jesus as being the holy spirit) am in the Father (the universal spirit) and the Father is in me. (John 14:11)
Father, let them be one like us, the Father in me, I in the Father and they in us. (John 17:21)
That they may be one as we are one. (John 17:22)

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6.7 Humanity

father, mother and
man as child of God
The spiritual state of humanity as God's own universal spirit sparks,
being begotten in the universal spirit and born as Gods god children in predisposition
densified of father and mother's own light and warmth,
they are the human spirits who develop themselves to perfection.
For their spiritual growth, God, being the universal spirit,
created within himself the physical world,
in which they seem to be left alone to themselves,
living in matter, the lifeless opposite of themselves as being the living, the spirit
(because dust is only densified light, without the life giving flow of warmth),
making the spirit unconscious of its own independence
and of its spiritual origin, God.
Because of their apparent freedom they can, by their own free choice
finally explore the essence of themselves and their source,
in order to perfect themselves;
because only by his own activityman can acquire something for his own
thereby developing his divine predisposition
and become as independent as God's child of god.

By living life here, they started by themselves their own way
to spiritual maturity - seemingly without help or reward -
by means of their own abilities, their own light and warmth,
to learn to use them consciously and in a controlled way
by the processing of life events
and to convert them to the conscience and the virtues.
The state of development of these abilities has become visible
in the spirit form, the vehicle for the spiritual world
and has become visible on earth in the body, the material form of life,
the vehicle for this temporary, material world.

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6.8 Becoming aware takes place by distinguishing between counterparts.
The universal spirit is eternal and omnipresent, and is therefore one.
There was no point in the universal spirit with which it could compare itself:
and therefore the universal spirit had no opposite,
by which it could become aware of itself.
The universal spirit itself is a spirit, which however can
express itself by means of densification in several forms,
such as the angels, the human spirits, the animal spirits and the plant spirits,
the spirits of minerals and the material, elementary particles.

The human spirit is a spherical cloud of light and warmth,
is thought by the universal spirit by densification within itself an image of itself
and is awakened by flowing through with God's love to independent life.
The universal spirit has expressed itself in that spirit spark, the human spirit,
in order, after that spirit has become aware by self-chosen spiritual development
- here seemingly guided by its own power, but at the same time unnoticed by angels -
has become aware of itself as being a spirit
and has become aware of that universal spirit spark,
and from that point to become aware of itself as part of the universal spirit!

Just as a plant expresses itself in the formed seed in predisposition,
and from there that seed can form a new plant itself
- accompanied by solar warmth and light, earth, moisture and air -
this is how the human spirit in the spiritual school of the earth
can grow into divine maturity.

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6.9 The building stuff of the material creation
The physical world is one of the many worlds that exist in the universal spirit.
The building stuff of this world is also formed with God's light and warmth,
but they remained separate from each other, so that the building stuff itself is lifeless.

The universal spirit formed the human spirits by thinking,
by densifying spiritual light into spherical clouds
and to bring those thoughts to life in himself,
by lovingly flowing them through with spiritual warmth.
However, in the formation of material particles
indeed, the universal spirit densified the light within himself to spherical clouds,
which are the building blocks of the universe (the fermions),
but did not let warmth flow into them.
God also densified warmth into particles:
the force particles of the universe (the bosons).
Because they exhibit an interaction,
a tissue of particles and forces is formed: the physical substance,
with which God shaped his divine thoughts in the physical creation.
Because these light and warmth particles remained separated,
they form the lifeless building stuff of the universe.

The elementary particles are only thoughts and powers of God,
but the human spirit is a divine thought brought to life by God with love.

In order to give the human spirits as the living particles of himself
the opportunity to acquire an independent life
in the material creation as being a school,
the universal spirit placed a light and a warmth particle of itself
in the space of the world of the human spirit: the later universe.
Like a seed - in the course of years -
multiplies itself into an infinite number of seeds,
so by the same multiplication arose
from the original simplicity of those 'seed sparks'
the different types and infinite number of particles,
needed to form the universe visible here.
These particles do not form a unit of light and warmth,
and therefore they form the inanimate matter,
which is the building stuff for God's physical creation.

Because the living spirit lives in this world in its opposite,
the inanimate matter
, the spirit here has become unaware of itself
and therefore the spirit is here in the opportunity to stand under its own power
to become aware of itself, by learning to distinguish itself
of its opposite, the lifeless substance of the body,
- originated from this lifeless universe - guided by God's angels
and by friends and girlfriends who stayed at home.
By their unnoticeable help, self-awareness can become his property
and help him his own divinity, to man given in predisposition,
to be realized by man himself.

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6.10 The universal spirit sparks and quantum field theory
The divine spirit formed - in the space of the eternal infinity of itself -
all human spirits by flowing through dot-shaped densities of the light with warmth
and thus bringing them to life.
Due to the state of densification of light and warmth in the universal spirit,
there is no boundary between the human spirit and the universal spirit,
but there is a gradual transition of light and warmth,
whereby the human spirit stays seamlessly connected to the universal spirit
and therefore also to all other spirits.

1. Correspondence with the microcosm
This spiritual condition is also expressed in the physical condition;
for according to the quantum field theory
all particles that together form the material creation
are densifications from the 'force field' that belongs to every kind of particle.
All particles remain entangled with the force field from which they originated
and as a result all particles remain entangled with each other.
The phenomenon of 'wave particle duality' is related to this:
depending on the circumstances - what one still continues to call a 'particle' -
behaves itself as a particle at one time and as a wave phenomenon the other time.

This situation corresponds to the topic that Jesus
discusses with his disciples during the Last Supper.
The core of Jesus' teaching is the loving communion that exists
eternally between Jesus and God,
and the same connection that still needs to be realized in men,
so that the loving bond between God and Jesus
will come alife and can be found in men as well.
For 'the Father' the state of the universal spirit can be read: "... which is more than I am!" (John 14:28)

John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
13:35 By this all will know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
14:10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?
14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me ...
14:20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you 15:3 ... remain in Me, as I am in you.
15:5 He that abideth in me, as I in him, is bearing much fruit, for without me you can do nothing.

16:32 [...] And yet I am not alone, for the Father is with Me.
17:21 ... that they may all be one, as you, Father, art in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us; that the world may believe that You have sent Me.
17:22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them, that they may be one as we are one.

2. Correspondence with the macrocosm
This state also corresponds to the formation of the visible universe. In the beginning of the universe, after the so-called 'big bang', there was only a huge space, first filled with radiation and then with radiation and hydrogen gas (and helium). By turmoil in that gas, caused by God's hand, accumulations of hydrogen gas arose, which slowly grew into the stars in the sky.
The space of the universe, filled with hydrogen gas, corresponds to the representation of a 'field' in field theory; the particles as densifications of the lines of force in such a field correspond to the stars as the celestial bodies in the space of universe.

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to part 7: the summary of spirituology

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